Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Timetable 11 Oct

If you are thinking of coming to the free family festival about CLIMATE CHANGE & ME on Saturday 11 October you can find out what's happening by scrolling down this blog to the entry on 16 September for a full timetable. There are also films and talks from 13-16 Oct (see timetable in the blog entry just below) and a car boot sale on 19 Oct. See you there. Snacks on sale from Oasis cafe.


John A said...
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John A said...


Unknown said...

As for Yoga and Meditation, you should know that there is nothing that will improve your mental well being better that a great session of daily meditation, because with meditation you can achieve improvement of your body’s luster and also in general a much better health, also, great meditation leads to great improvement of your concentration, which becomes really handy in everyday life, in studying, in sports, and overall in your daily activities.